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Change the Brain; Relieve the Pain; Transform the Person

Hub Treatment

Neuroplastic transformation is the treatment hub for persistent pain disorders. When pain transitions from a symptom to a disease, it is not merely more pain, longer lasting pain or constant pain. This process is one of neuroplastic adaptation to a stimulus resulting in molecular, cellular, anatomic, physiologic, electrical and functional changes in brain and peripheral body. Varied treatments have been established to deal with the persistence of pain. Some of these are aimed at altering or suppressing peripheral sites and some use more systemic approaches to manage pain. Medication, Invasive, Bodywork and Psychosocial approaches can be used individually or in concert with each other. Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary treatment teams may be brought to bear. All of these treatments are aimed at containing and managing the disease of persistent pain. None are crafted to cure the underlying neuroplastic process that has caused pain to transform from symptom to disease. It is only by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity that persistent pain can be resolved.

A wheel without a hub will collapse and fail.
By making Neuroplastic Transformation the hub of the treatment for persistent pain, all of the spokes of the wheel become strengthened, unified and focused.


The goal of treatment shifts from reining in pain to reversing the basic forces that have caused it be maintained. Understanding these forces and the stages of treatment harnesses the same power that unleashed pain’s persistence. Instead of these processes occurring randomly based upon runaway input, the incredible access to the brain’s power is used to disconnect expanded pain networks, stop perpetually firing pain-dedicated nerves, resolve the production and release of inflammatory molecules, reverse the energy used to maintain pain receptors and restore normal pain response.

© 2012 Michael Moskowitz, Marla Golden Contact